Даты | ||
28 августа-2 сентября 2011 г., Belfast (Northern Ireland, UK) | ||
XXX International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG)
The XXX ICPIG will cover a wide range of fundamental and applied aspects of ionized gases. This conference emphasises interdisciplinary research and fosters exchange between different communities. All interested participants are invited to present the latest results of their scientific work in one of the ICPIG subject areas. The scientific programme will consist of 11 invited general lectures and 23 invited topical talks together with lectures from the winners of the von Engel & Franklin Prize and the IUPAP Young Scientist Medal and Prize in Plasma Physics; there will also be two workshops and poster presentations. Topics:
Regular registration fee: 350 £ (GBP). Student registration fee: 220 £ (GBP). Site: www.qub.ac.uk/sites/icpig2011/ Contact: icpig2011@qub.ac.uk
18 мая 2011: |
Прием тезисов 27 мая 2011: Подтверждение приема 1 июля 2011: Оплата оргвзноса 29 июля 2011: Оплата проживания 28 августа - 2 сентября 2011: Работа конференции | |
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