Даты | ||
2-6 июля 2012 г., Стокгольм (Швеция) | ||
39th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics & 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics
EPS conferences on Plasma Physics encompass the fields of fusion research, magnetic confinement fusion, beam plasmas, laser-plasma interaction and inertial confinement fusion, dusty and low temperature plasmas, as well as space, astrophysical and basic plasmas. The scope of ICPP includes fundamentals of plasma physics, fusion plasmas, plasmas in astrophysics and space, plasma applications and technologies, complex plasmas, high energy density plasmas, quantum plasmas and laser-plasma interaction. The scientific programme of the joined EPS / ICPP 2012 conference is organized as following
Contact info: |
01.02.2012: Начало регистрации участников 15-29.02.2012: Прием тезисов 01.04.2012: Уведомление о приеме 30.04.2012: Оплата оргвзноса 18-30.06.2012: Прием статей |
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