Automated spectrometry complex Light («Свет»)
- atomic and molecular spectroscopy, including Raman scattering;
- local quantative diagnostics of heterogeneous axially-symmetrical plasma.
Contour («Контур»)
- high resolution spectroscopy with the use of Fabry-Perot interferometer;
- structural analysis of spectral lines;
- plasma diagnostics based on line contours.
Structure («Структура»)
- processes and mechanisms of plasma crystal formation;
- visualization of dusty structures in plasma;
- vacuum condition control;
- probe plasma diagnostics;
- optical plasma diagnostics;
- registration of voltage-current characteristics.
Complex Beam («Пучок»)
- research in the area of fundamental atomic physics;
- functional measurements of excited atoms, by neutral and charged particles, in crossed beams and gas cells;
- studies on patterns of excitation.
Atomic absorption spectrometer MGA-915 («МГА-915»)
- structural analysis of various media;
- environmental monitoring;
- geological survey;
- technical control;
- healthcare;
- industrial sanitation;
- food quality control;
- medication quality control;
- research.
Hardware and software complex on the basis of an automated multichannel gas chromatograph Crystal 2000M («Кристалл 2000М»)
- qualitative and quantative analysis of molecular compounds;
- ecology;
- chemistry;
- petrochemistry;
- healthcare;
- food industry;
- industrial processing control;
- sanitation;
- research.
Vacuum universal post VUP-5M («ВУП-5М»)
- ionic sputtering and etching of metals in vacuum;
- scanning and transmission microscopy analysis of obtained surfaces;
- studies of ion-beam modifications of transition metal oxide films.
Other equipment
- photo equipment for tomography;
- high performance server;
- high frequency plasma generator;
- oscilloscopes;
- multiscan microscope;
- scanning electron microscope;
- chromatographic equipment;
- lasers for various applications;
- x-ray equipment;
- pumping devices.